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The Art of Voice
is a non-profit corporation
whose mission is to provide
voice training, free of charge,
for teenagers and young adults
who can’t afford private study.


Jay Willoughby created the "Speak-Singing" approach to help
singers find their voice.

“Singing is prolonged and intensified speech on flowing breath.  The instant you
start a singing sound it should be the sound of your speaking voice.  In order for you
to find your natural vocal quality, you must be able to speak naturally and freely on musical pitches.  When a song asks you to hold a note, your breath is applied to ‘prolong and sustain’ that spoken sound.”



The class format allows you to listen to other singers.
Did the other singers apply what Jay told them? When they did, did their singing improve?
That environment will give you confidence that you are receiving good advice.


(I. D.  says): "The idea of ‘Speak-Singing was a great achievement for
not only myself, but for the other singers.
I could tell a dramatic difference in the sound, diction, and approach to the song."

(J. P.  says): "I believe that, on the last day, every one of the singers
demonstrated some form of ‘Speak-Singing". When they were singing,
it was very pleasant to listen to."


(A. R.  says): "I really liked the "Speak-Sing" approach. .... One thing that really helped this process was hearing it from other students.
When they produced ‘Speak-Sing’ tones and music I got it. I understood."









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